V.A.S.E.N Education, Health, Care Plan Services

As a Local Authority SEND Officer, I have developed expert knowledge in SEND. I have written over 200 new Education, Health and Care Plans and amended over 100 EHCPs following Annual Review meetings. I completed over 200 co-production meetings with parents and schools, to ensure that the contents of the draft EHCP reflects the learner. As a Case Officer, I have  processed numerous EHCP assessment requests, hundreds of reports submitted by external professionals, parents and school to support EHCP requests and I sat in on and contributed to SEND Assessment Panel as a Specialist Teacher. I have also represented the Local Authority in Mediation, and supported schools and parents through 'Next steps' meetings. I understand what is required to get your learner the right level of support to allow them to make progress towards their outcomes. 

EHCP Parent Requests 

EHCP Parent Draft Reviews

New EHCP writing 

EHCP Amending 

V.A.S.E.N Advisory Teacher 

I have worked at the Local Authority level as an Special Educational Needs  (SEN) Advisory  Specialist Teacher; and as an SEN Assessment and Review Officer.  In the school setting, I have been a SENCo and a class based Learning Support Teacher.  I am confident that I can advise you on all aspects of SEN Needs in relation to the SEND Code Practice 2015. 

SEN Advice and Guidance 

Free consultation  to discuss your concerns in relation to special educational needs.  Plan your next step with VASEN.

SEN Initial Teacher Assessments

Four hours of detailed assessment with the learner, parents, staff, reviewing records,  followed by verbal feedback with the parent, and a detailed report).

Advisory SENCo 


Advice and Guidance

Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle

SEN Support Plans

EHCP Requests

6 week monitoring

Next steps. 

V.A.S.E.N Post 16 Planning

As a qualified teacher (QTS), with over 15 years experience in classroom, I am confident in my ability to provide bespoke  tuition programmes for learners with EHCPs. I have delivered a range of alternative qualifications to GCSEs, more suited to learners with special needs and personalised outcomes. I have taught  Functional Skills, BTEC Workskills, ASDAN  to name a few.  My planning and delivery focusses on your aspirations and your needs. VASEN caters to a very small group of less than 5 learners to allow you to get the personalised support you need. Tuition is virtual, and depending on your location, we can offer face-to-face tuition.

Functional Skills 

Entry Level 1 - 3

English, Maths, ICT

Financial Numeracy 

Understand the maths that you would need for every day.

Literacy and Numeracy 

Get ready to take formal accreditation.

 Independent Living 

Learn skills to be independent at home and the community. 

Relationship Education

Learn and develop positive, healthy behaviour for life.

Skills for Employment

Get ready to join the labour force. 


Improve your English to take the next step.

Study Skills 

Develop your independent study skills.